GenEq Staff

The Gender Equity Resource Center is staffed by four professional staff as well as various program interns and volunteers.  See our Internships & Volunteering page for more information about how to get involved!

New Billie Pic

Billy Curtis (He/Him/His/Billy)
Executive Director of Gender Equity Resource Center

Tel:510-643-0788  | Email: sends e-mail)

Cici Ambrosio

christine (cici) ambrosio (She/They/Siya)
Director of Women's Resources, Sexual Harassment/Assault Resources

Tel: 510-643-5727 | Email: (link sends e-mail)

Book an appointment with Cici here(link is external)

Em Huang (They/Them/Theirs)
Director of LGBTQ+ Advancement & Equity

Tel: 510-335-5672 | Email: sends e-mail)

Joanna Villegas (They/Them/Theirs)
Assistant Director of Student Programs and Leadership

Tel: 510-230-3254 | Email: sends e-mail)